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Five-Minute Marriage Mentor - The Pocket-Guide to Divorce-Proofing Your Marriage

oleh Jen Jones

Penerbit - BookBaby

Kategori - Keluarga & Kesihatan

Nobody sets out to have a mediocre marriage. No one takes their wedding vows secretly hoping to break them in divorce. But statistics paint a grim picture of just how precarious marriages are in the United States. May-be you’re living out how perilous it really is. If you could somehow divorce-proof your marriage, would you do it? If someone showed you a few time-tested techniques to strength-en your most precious relationship, would you give them a shot? Of course, you would. That’s what the Five-Minute Marriage Mentor is all about. This little book isn’t intended to be the exhaustive commentary on all aspects of marriage. We don’t profess to tackle all of the issues. We certainly don’t believe that the suggestions contained within will be all you need to fix a marriage that is broken. But it’s a start. Maybe this is a beginning for you—or maybe a re-start. The Five-Minute Marriage Mentor is about giving you a daily, five-minute coaching session on six strategic areas of your relationship.

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