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The Vibrations of Words

by Ettore Grillo

Publisher - Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Category - Business & Management

Everything vibrates: words, music, stars, planets, all kinds of creatures, and even inorganic substance. Words produce their own effect in the environment and for the person who utters them. This dynamic self-help book offers a journey through music, theater, gibberish, Osho, Judaism, esotericism, and rare religious practices. It tells how to attune the vibrations of words to develop body and mind. Saying bad words about others creates bad vibrations and negativities, so we must learn to end backbiting and criticism. The Vibrations of Words will broaden your mind, offering a new way to elevate humanity, based upon the respect of all religions and teachers, masters or Gurus. It traces the many ways people can elevate from the material to the metaphysical plane. Due to their vibrations, good words purify the environment bringing peace and joy. Isn’t that the most powerful goal of all?

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